Grow Your Mind With Toadstool Heights

Posted January 2024
In the state of Colorado, if you're 21 or older, you have the legal right to grow your own psychedelic mushrooms for spiritual and/or personal purposes. This means that anyone, from a studio apartment dweller to a homeowner, can embark on the journey of cultivating these fascinating fungi. It's a surprisingly inexpensive endeavor that requires little more than time and the ability to follow instructions.
 Step 1: Gather Supplies
Step 2: Prepare Grain Jars
 Step 3: Make Your Soil
 Step 4: Make Simple Grow Tubs
Step 5: Combine
Step 6: Let Grow
Step 7: Enjoy
It's a common myth that having animals in your living space prevents you from growing mushrooms, but that's not necessarily the case. As someone who has been growing for over a decade with two dogs and a cat in tow, I can attest to the feasibility of growing mushrooms even in a pet-friendly environment. Beginners will find that rubbing alcohol and still air boxes are invaluable tools in their mushroom-growing journey. Pro tip: keep these on hand for a smooth cultivation process.
In Denver, Colorado, the legalization of psychedelic mushrooms has opened doors for individuals to explore their consciousness and spirituality in a safe and legal manner. Whether you're seeking personal growth or simply curious about the mysteries of the mind, cultivating your own magic mushrooms can be a deeply enriching experience. So why wait? Dive into the world of psychedelic cultivation and embark on your own journey of self-discovery within the vibrant city of Denver.

Published by Elizabeth Knoll


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